With Lupo.ai

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Contact us to create customer education programs or employee training. We transform your text-based or PowerPoints into AI-powered training - IN MINUTES!

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Lupo automates the process of creating videos from text, using an easy to learn and repeatable process.

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With Lupo, you'll reduce costs to a fraction and videos can be published in minutes, at the push of a button.

It is cost-effective and fast!

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Lupo was created based on years of experience creating many video trainings for hundreds of thousads of learners.

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marp: true
theme: quick

<!-- _class: cover -->


# Lupo quickstart

## Learn how to generate videos in 5 minutes

Welcome to Lupo, the video course creation tool that makes it easy to convert your Markdown text into stunning video courses with ai generated voices. In this quickstart guide, we'll show you how to use Lupo to create your own video course.



Before we begin, it's important to note that every project in Lupo must have a TOC file with configurations and a defined chapter/section structure. This is essential to ensure that your course is organized.



Let's start by talking about what you can do with Markdown and Marp. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text with headings, bold and italic text, lists, links, and more. Marp is a tool that converts your Markdown text into beautiful presentations with customizable themes, layouts, and fonts.

With Marp, you can add images, quotes, code snippets, and other elements to your presentations. And here's a cool feature - HTML comments in your Markdown text can be used as narrations for your video course. Just add the narration as an HTML comment next to the slide content, and Lupo will automatically convert it into audio.


![bg left](media/Directives.png)

# Directives

* `paginate`
* `header`
* `footer`
* `class`
* `backgroundColor`
* `backgroundImage`
* `backgroundPosition`
* `backgroundRepeat`
* `backgroundSize`
* `color`

Now let's talk about Marp directives. These are special instructions that you can add to your Markdown text to customize your presentations. For example, you can use directives to change the background color, add a logo, adjust the font size, and more. Marp has a variety of built-in directives, and you can even create your own custom directives to suit your needs.


# Languages

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:afghanistan: :albania: :algeria: :argentina: :australia: :austria: :azerbaijan: :bahrain: :bangladesh: :belgium: :norway: :bolivia: :bosnia_herzegovina: :brazil: :bulgaria: :cambodia: :canada: :cn: :chile: :colombia: :costa_rica: :croatia: :cuba: :czech_republic: :denmark: :dominican_republic: :ecuador: :egypt: :el_salvador: :equatorial_guinea: :estonia: :ethiopia: :finland: :fr: :georgia: :de: :greece: :guatemala: :honduras: :hong_kong: :hungary: :iceland: :india: :indonesia: :iran: :iraq: :ireland: :israel: :it: :japan: :jordan: :kazakhstan: :kenya: :kr: :kuwait: :laos: :latvia: :lebanon: :libya: :lithuania: :malaysia: :malta: :mexico: :mongolia: :morocco: :myanmar: :nepal: :netherlands: :new_zealand: :nicaragua: :nigeria: :oman: :pakistan: :panama: :paraguay: :peru: :philippines: :poland: :portugal: :puerto_rico: :qatar: :macedonia: :romania: :ru: :saudi_arabia: :serbia: :singapore: :slovakia: :slovenia: :somalia: :south_africa: :es: :sri_lanka: :sweden: :switzerland: :syria: :taiwan: :tanzania: :thailand: :tunisia: :tr: :ukraine: :united_arab_emirates: :uk: :us: :uruguay: :uzbekistan: :venezuela: :vietnam: :yemen:

Another important feature of Lupo is the ability to generate artificial voices for your video course. This means that you can create a voiceover for your course without having to record your own voice.



Finally, Lupo offers a variety of templates and themes to help you get started with your course. You can choose from a range of pre-designed templates or create your own custom theme to match your branding.


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That's it for this quickstart guide to Lupo. We hope you found this helpful and we're excited to see what you create with our tool. Thanks for watching!
marp: true
theme: universe


# Fun Facts About the Universe

[[cheerful]] Welcome to our universe, a vast and wondrous place full of mysteries and surprises. In this video, we will share with you some fun facts about the universe that will blow your mind. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!



# Fact 1
# The Milky Way is not alone

[[cheerful]] Did you know that the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the universe? In fact, there are billions of galaxies out there, each containing billions of stars.


<video src="https://mlgstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/media/universe/nebula-24623.mp4" autoplay muted loop />

[[cheerful]] Our closest neighbor is the Andromeda galaxy, which is 2.5 million light-years away from us. And if you think that's far, consider this: the observable universe is estimated to be 93 billion light-years in diameter.



# Fact 2
# Black holes are not actually black

[[cheerful]] Black holes are one of the most fascinating objects in the universe. They are so massive and dense that not even light can escape their gravity. But did you know that black holes are not actually black?


<video src="https://mlgstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/media/universe/tunnel-128215.mp4" autoplay muted loop />

[[cheerful]] When matter falls into a black hole, it heats up and emits radiation in the form of X-rays. This radiation can be detected by astronomers, which is how we know that black holes exist.



# Fact 3
# The universe has a temperature

[[cheerful]] The universe has a temperature, and it's not the same everywhere. Scientists have measured the temperature of the universe to be about 2.73 Kelvin, which is just a few degrees above absolute zero.


<video src="https://mlgstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/media/universe/night-1099.mp4" autoplay muted loop />

[[cheerful]] This temperature is not uniform, however. In the early universe, the temperature was much higher, and it gradually cooled down as the universe expanded.



# Fact 4
# Supernovas create the elements we are made of

[[cheerful]] The elements that make up our bodies, such as carbon, oxygen, and iron, were not created in the Big Bang. Instead, they were formed in the cores of stars and released into space when those stars died in spectacular explosions called supernovae.


<video src="https://mlgstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/media/universe/nebula-143017.mp4" autoplay muted loop />

[[cheerful]] Without supernovas, the universe would be a very different place, and we wouldn't be here to marvel at its wonders.



# Fact 5
# The universe is expanding

[[cheerful]] The universe is expanding, and it's doing so at an accelerating rate. This means that galaxies are moving away from each other faster and faster over time.


<video src="https://mlgstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/media/universe/space-18741.mp4" autoplay muted loop />

[[cheerful]] This discovery was made in the late 1990s by astronomers who observed distant supernovae. The cause of this acceleration is still a mystery and is one of the biggest questions in cosmology


<video src="https://mlgstorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/media/universe/nebula-114210.mp4" autoplay muted loop />

[[cheerful]] And that concludes our today fun facts about the universe. We hope you enjoyed learning about the wonders of our cosmos. If you did, please don't forget to like and subscribe for more fascinating videos about science and the universe. Thank you for watching!
marp: true
theme: sales


# Unlock the Secrets of Sales

[[chat]] Welcome to Unlock the Secrets of Sales! In this presentation, we will explore the key elements of successful sales strategies and provide tips on how to improve your sales performance.



## Know your customer

[[chat]] The first key to successful sales is understanding your customer. What are their pain points and needs? What motivates them? By understanding your customer, you can tailor your approach to meet their specific needs and increase your chances of making a sale.



## Build Relationships

[[chat]] Building relationships is essential for successful sales. Customers are more likely to buy from people they like and trust. Take the time to get to know your customers, listen to their needs and concerns, and be responsive to their questions and feedback.



## Use Social Media

[[chat]] Social media is an increasingly important tool for sales professionals. Use social media to connect with potential customers, share information about your products and services, and build your brand. Remember to be authentic and engaging, and avoid using social media as a purely promotional tool.



## Follow Up

[[chat]] Following up is critical for successful sales. After a sale, follow up with your customers to ensure they are satisfied with their purchase and to address any concerns they may have. By building strong relationships with your customers and maintaining open lines of communication, you can increase your chances of repeat business and referrals.



## Conclusion

[[chat]] In conclusion, successful sales require a combination of skills, including a deep understanding of your customers, relationship-building, and effective use of technology. By incorporating these elements into your sales strategy, you can unlock the secrets of sales and achieve greater success in your business. Thank you for watching!

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