Content Files

The content of each .md file must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Header containing: It must start with a header containing marp: true, along with any desired theme or/and theme and additional marp global directives to be added if desired (more on that later).
  2. Slide separator: Each slide must be separated by three dashes ---.
  3. Slide content and narration: Every slide should consist of two elements: the slide content in markdown and the slide narration in HTML comments.

Header containing

marp: true

marp: true
backgroundColor: #c9ee

Slide separator

marp: true

# Slide 1

[Text slide 1]

<!-- [Narration Slide 1] -->


# Slide 2

[Text slide 2]

<!-- [Narration Slide 2] -->

Slide content and narration

marp: true

[Slide content]

<!-- [Narration] -->