Table of Contents (TOC)

The table of contents is defined in the toc.yml file, which can be divided into two parts:

  1. The essential and/or optional details needed to generate each video.
  2. The basic course structure.

As an example:

[Essential and/or optional details]
name: Hello world
version: v1
speaker: Jenny
speed: 1.1
pitch: 1.2
style: default
slides: false
resolution: 720
[Basic course structure]
  - name: Chapter One
      - name: Test
        generate: true
  - name: Chapter Two
      - name: Test_2
    generate: false

Essential and/or optional details

As essential and/or optional details needed to generate each video, we have:

Field Name Required Description Example
name Yes The name of the course name: Course Creator Demo
version No

Sets default: v1
A code in case you need to differentiate or update the same course version: v1
email No

Sets default: GitHub email
A comma-separated list of email addresses to send the generated videos email:,, ...
speaker No

Sets default: Aria
The name of the speaker who will provide the voiceover for the generated videos. speaker: Abbi
You can find the list of available speakers and their styles here: Speakers | Emotions
speed No

Sets default: 1
The speed of the video. Accepts a float value from 0.5 to 2 with 1 being the normal speed speed: 1.5 would make the video 1.5 times faster than normal.
pitch No

Sets default: 1
The pitch of the video. Accepts a float value from 0.5 to 1.5 with 1 being the normal pitch pitch: 1.2 would increase the pitch of the audio by 20%.
style No

Sets default: default
Speaking style to express different emotions of the speaker and is applied to all generated videos style: excited
You can find the list of available speakers and their styles here: Speakers | Emotions
slides No

Sets default: False
A boolean value indicating if includes a PowerPoint presentation, PDF document, and HTML document for each video slides: True
transcript No

Sets default: False
A boolean value indicating if includes a transcript for each video transcript: True
resolution No A value that indicates the resolution of the produced video, with two values currently supported: 720 and 1080 resolution: 720

Basic course structure

[Essential and/or optional details previously selected]

    - name: [Chapter 1 Name]
            - name: [Section Name]
              href: [Path/to/]
              generate: [true|false] # Optional Section prompt
              speaker: Aria     # Optional section prompt override, defaults: chapter or course prompts
              speed: 1.2        # Optional section prompt override, defaults: chapter or course prompts
              pitch: 1.3        # Optional section prompt override, defaults: chapter or course prompts
              style: friendly   # Optional section prompt override, defaults: chapter or course prompts
    - name: [Chapter 2 Name]
            - name: [Section 1 Name]
              href: [Path/to/]
            - name: [Section 2 Name]
              href: [Path/to/]
        generate: [true|false] # Optional Chapter Indication
        combine: [true|false] # Optional Chapter Indication

You should consider proper indentation in the YAML file is of utmost importance. It is not just about maintaining a neat and organized appearance.

  • chapters:: This is the main container for all the chapters or episodes of the video series. Each chapter is listed as a sub-item under this section.
  • name: [Chapter name]: Within the chapters section, you define the name of each chapter or episode. This name should give a clear idea of the content covered in that particular video.
  • sections:: For each chapter, you can create multiple sections, each representing a specific segment or topic within the video.
  • name: [Section name]: Under each chapter, you define the name of the section. This name helps viewers understand the specific focus of that particular segment.
  • href: [Path/to/]: This field contains the file path to the Markdown file associated with the section. The Markdown file likely contains the script or content for the corresponding section of the video.

And optional indications:

  • generate: [true|false]: Specifies whether the section or chapter should be included in the generated output. If not specified, defaults to true.
  • speaker, speed, pitch, style: Optional parameters allowing customization of speech synthesis settings. These parameters can override default configurations. If not provided at the section level, defaults are inherited from higher levels (chapter or course configurations).
  • combine: [true|false]: Flag indicating whether sections or chapters should be combined if desired. If set to true, sections or chapters can be merged as needed.