
Links are essential to any document or presentation, allowing you to reference other sources and provide additional information to your audience. In Markdown, you can easily create links to other websites, files, or even other sections of your presentation.

To create an inline link in Markdown, use the following syntax:

[link name](link)

For example:



In addition to creating inline links, you can create reference-style links in Markdown. Reference-style links allow you to separate the link text from the URL, making your Markdown more organized and easier to read.

To create a reference-style link, use the following syntax:

[link name][id]
[id]: link "mouseover text"

For example:

[lupo]: "Go to Lupo"


url with mouseover text


The link definition includes the link URL and optional title or tooltip, which can be placed anywhere after a blank line but is generally near the bottom. Definition identifiers, such as [id], may consist of letters, numbers, spaces, and punctuation and are not case-sensitive.

Relative URLs

You can also use relative URLs in your Markdown links. Relative URLs are URLs that are relative to the current document's location. For example, if you have a file called image.png in the same directory as your Markdown document, you can create a link to it like this:



Example with References

Here's an example of using reference-style links with references:

[hurricane]: "Hurricane Erika"
[Hurricane][hurricane] Erika was the strongest and longest-lasting tropical cyclone in the 1997 Atlantic [hurricane] season.

Hurricane Erika was the strongest and longest-lasting tropical cyclone in the 1997 Atlantic hurricane season.